Terms and Conditions for Presenters

Voicetracker Hub is a showcase of your work and availability. It will be your responsibility to negotiate directly with radio stations with regards to fees and contracts.

You will manage your own work schedule and stations may require you to download software in order to voicetrack shows remotely.

The fee to be featured is a flat monthly subscription and is not affected by the volume of work you receive. You could record multiple shows per day and will always pay the same for your subscription. We do not charge a percentage of your earnings. You can cancel your subscription at any time by emailing subscriptions@voicetrackerhub.com.

It will be your responsibility to invoice for any work undertaken directly to the radio station.

We are committed to your success and will work hard to ensure your profile is seen by as many stations as possible. However, we can not guarantee you any work.

By becoming a member you consent that:
a) We may hold your data and publish your profile online for the duration of your membership.
b) You will receive update emails from us, including marketing and job opportunities. You can opt out of these if you wish.




Terms and Conditions for Radio Stations

Voicetracker Hub is a showcase of presenters work and availability. It will be your responsibility to negotiate directly with presenters with regards to fees and contracts. Furthermore, it will be your responsibility to pay presenters on time for work undertaken at the agreed rate.

Whilst we are proud of our portfolio of presenters and work hard to ensure a level of professionalism, we cannot be held responsible for any individual presenters’ conduct.